Below are the images and projects that have been published internationally

Anti Mommy Shamers Unite Photo project 2018

Good Morning America


Scary Mommy

Huffington Post

Washington Post

Working Mother



The Bump


The Fed is Best photoshoot is something I do every year to remind everyone that as long as you are feeding your child and they are healthy it doesn’t matter if it comes from a bottle, a breast, or a tube. It has taken off and everyone really enjoys participating each year. Here are the last 3 years.


A client came to me wanting to bring awareness to infertility. She had been struggling for years and really wanted to do a photoshoot on this subject. I was struggling with infertility at the time and really felt connected to this story. The main image of the tornado represents the feeling I had inside me when I was going through this and after this was published a lot of women said it represented their feeling exactly the same way. Read below for some amazing articles about the subject.


See the amazing story behind this image at the links below